RSN: Gardeni
ARMOUR: Agile armor with a Santa Hat and Fancy Boots
WEAPON: Inferno Adze/ Chaotic Rapier
CAPE: Completionists Cape
AREA: Anywhere, but no Combat
skilling/slaying: Skilling
BOSS: No boss
RSN: Majal Kita(Changing back from Birdeh ASAP)
ARMOUR: Armadyl, Blue Partyhat, Elysian Spirit shield, Infinity boots, Fury(or)
WEAPON: Bottle of vodka
CAPE: Dungeoneering Master cape
AREA: Clan Citadel
skilling/slaying: Being a typical drunkard somewhere. Dancing, passed out, yelling at a rock, harassing a skiller. You know, the typical drunkard type activities
Though, arguing with a rock would probably be my choice X)
Could you maybe change what Diorr is doing and the location?
I want her to like hold me from behind (looking like she's scared from Nex) while I slay Nex.
I got this idea i think from one of your older pics I think it was with mod chris l and mod mat k, cant really remember
I know Nex is already full but i would realy appreciate of you could do that <3