Hitting 1-10 and 99 hp points max.
Armour not giving Hp boost.
Banks not healing HP.
F2P Lumbrigde worlds were crowded.
Struggle logging in on W1/2 because it was full.
(Has probably been mentioned
No truetrim mindset people.
No Max/Comp before 3rd May 2011 which lead to -> NoXp/timewasteMindsetRevolution.
No titles.
Old Interface pre 22-july-2013.
Spanish RS.
-When you could play BA without having to arrange teams first.
-When holidays had a fun event to do and not a grind one.
(Or: when you did events for the FUN of it, not the rewards)...
-Pest control days pls(rock cake, dh).
-Fire cape being something you can be proud of...
-When -everyone- had a torso, and torso meant something... (It's junk now)
I'll think about more stuff. I'm black minded atm.
Some talk to you in their free time, and some free their time to talk to you.