
Bank Cleaning Service - RS3/07

Quick find code: 261-262-155-65167125

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 8,024 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: S A V I O R
Date: November 5th, 2013.
RS3 / 07: RS3
Donation requested : Please read the comments section for your donation request.

Link 1-

- Drop or use unused/unnecessary currency
- Drop Abyssal/Obby charms
- Drop unused pouches
- Drop Dreadnips
- Drop Firelighters
- Drop feathers and chickens
- Drop pendants and the thing next to the pendants in Tab 2
- Drop Comp. hood
- Drop Spirit cape
- Drop DT medallion/Explorer's ring/Ring of visibility
- Drop Orb that you get from the Falador Knight quests
- Drop Crown like thing next to the barrel of monkeys
- Drop all SOF related items
- Hellcat in POH
- Drop egg collection and unused HH seeds/secondaries

You my friend, are definitely the hardest to decipher in terms of game play. With your minimalist bank, I honestly can't tell what you do in the game. My best guess, without looking at your exp, would be that you're either an HH maniac, BA fanatic (if it still exists), or have quit RS and only kept things you thought you might need eventually down the road.

Regardless, one of the most tidy, well kept banks I've seen. Not sure if you cleaned it for this post or just keep it that way but kudos!

Donation requested:
Loving all the donations. Thanks for being willing to give from the little you have. Kill and Yak 30 mins - 1 hour's worth of D bones at Green dragons or any area convenient for Dragon killing. After, go find the FC that people use for Altars and chat up someone who you think is a sincere and honest player who is really trying to make it in this game.

If you find them to be deserving, reward them with the bones you collected and let them know you've spent the time to collect those bones. Keep the $ from the hides for yourself. If you don't have the time but can afford the bones, do a 10 min test then give half an hour's equivalent. Post pictures and a story if you can.

05-Nov-2013 06:30:48 - Last edited on 05-Nov-2013 16:27:19 by Cvbgn

S A V l 0 R
May Member 2018

S A V l 0 R

Posts: 1,097 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My donation may be a bit lackluster, compared to the rest, seems I'm not cut out for dragons!  I used summoning potions to bank, but couldnt keep up with the killing so I left most hides alone.  I ended up with such a small amount of bones, so I sold the hides for more bones instead and added 500k cash to it.  Totaling to about 1m.

It took a while to find someone, most seemed as if my donation wouldn't help them at all, so I sought out someone that could use it.  Found a player at ge wearing full veracs, dboots, and royal gloves.  Decided to search his stats up, He seemed most deserving to me, by stats.  Which can be seen here: HTTP://

Needless to say I was already running late for class, but managed a quick decent convo with him. HTTP://

Time of this post he's gained ~9k prayer xp, roughly an inventory's worth.  Either he had better plans, or he's a man of his word.  All in all I think he appreciated it. :)

05-Nov-2013 22:11:44

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 8,024 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Haha, the little you did was above and beyond expectations man and the fact that you were willing to spend your time and resources to help someone out is, in itself, extremely spirited and generous.

I actually had a good laugh looking at how hard you were trying to push him in the right direction but at the end of the day, you gave from the little you have, to someone who needed that more than yourself probably and that sort of kindness is what really we need to try and spread in the community.

Thanks again for donating!

06-Nov-2013 04:17:48

Apr Member 2008


Posts: 8,024 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Donation Requested:
Thank you for your kindness and willingness to donate, Indigo.

Go to common cooking locations (Al-kharid Bonfire world might be one) and find someone who is trying to train their Cooking. Chat 'em up and see what their actual goal is (and if it is their first 99, even better).

If you find them deserving, contribute 1k of whatever they might be cooking (Rocktails and Sharks excluded due to the high price unless you have money to spare) or if you are not able to afford the equivalent (fish), buy and request for them to give you their Cooked for your Raws to salvage some of the cost. If it's a lower tier fish they might be cooking, you can go above the 1k amount.

Post pictures and a story if you can!

07-Nov-2013 07:34:27

Sep Member 2007


Posts: 1,967 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I did attempt this last night though couldn't find anyone, well I found one person after hopping to several worlds who already had 99 cooking under their belt and a few other 99's as well.

This morning though I did manage to find a player who's current cooking is 47 and has a goal of getting it to 65. Not sure it will be their first 99, he did ask would it get him to 99, and I have never been a details person, so couldn't answer that question.

He also asked me, why me? I just said that I had accepted a challenge to do a random act of kindness, and he happened to be the one here. He then mentioned he had died and lost his guthans and that this would help.

To determine if someone is deserving is kinda challenge when knowing them for such a short time, I believe he was though.


The Victim :D

The trade - all I could get at the time


Edit: I see his final lvl will be 71 - he had reached lvl 48 when I worked this out though.

07-Nov-2013 23:04:05 - Last edited on 07-Nov-2013 23:08:39 by Indigobeing

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