I am very grateful to you, it took me around an hour to clean out my bank and I can tell that you having to list all the items needing to be dropped wasn't that easy. After cleaning it out, here is how much bankspace I have now: http://puu.sh/4J41J.png. Once again, I'm very thankful that you would take time out of your day to help me (also since I don't have to think about buying bank boosters anymore
There were so many people at LRC in world 84, so I felt like hopping around and finding some other people in different world. I started chatting with this guy for a bit then one of the monsters attacked, and he helped to kill it as he saw I was about to die (since I forgot to bring any armor/weps there lol). He seemed like a really nice guy too, and I feel that even though 2k minerals will only help so much, it could still help him reach his goal of maxing
Also, I went to world 29 (random non members world) and gave 5 different people 100k each because I made around 5m after selling all the junk in my bank
06-Oct-2013 15:53:38
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06-Oct-2013 16:14:17
Name: Drygore mace
Quest Points: 353/345
RS3 / 07: RS3
Bank space: 153/153 468/468
Donation requested: I can donate a little gp/time
Sentimental items separated: doubt I really have many
PM after finishing requested: Yes
Side notes: bank is pretty empty yet so full all of the time, few pointers would be nice
Link 1 - This definite will be the hardest tab of them all for you to consider dropping but once again, everything I suggest is only a suggestion.
- Drop spirits capes after adding effect to Comp
- Drop tome of frost
- Drop accumulators
- Drop Slayer helmet (unless you still slay)
- Place Void helmets in POH
- Drop torso
Link 2
- Drop rune ess
- Drop placeholder armadyl rune
- Revert chipped tabs
- Make a quick run to the G.E and de-enchant all your jewelry (except glorys) into (8) and (7) or (8) and (1) - This will save you around 50 spaces or so.
- Drop placeholder bones to peaches
Link 3
-Drop single herbs + use/sell secondaries
- Decant all pots into (3), (4) and Full flasks or (5) and (6) - This will save you around 70-80 bank spots.
- Sell/drop manta rays
Link 4
- Drop shards + pouches
- Drop all pouches and scrolls except Geyser titan + rock lobster
- Drop bird eggs
- Troll and dragon in POH
- Drop pendants and tokens
Link 5
- Drop agility top + bottom
- Place Ibis in POH
- Place lumberjack in POH and drop rest of the pieces
- Drop tree seeds, plant pots, empty sacks, boots of lightness, pots, 3 cavefish, fishing bait, 61 peaches, 116 buckets, knives, cookies, unstrung maple bows, gold bracelets, ogre boots, Wicked top/bottom, chompy bow, SOF pendants, bolt bag, RC pouches, explorer's ring, ardy cape.
Link 6
- Drop KBD heads, slayer gems, sell ruby bolts, drop zammy and sara bolts, drop rings of recoil, drop holy wrench, drop unholy symbols, drop cannonball, drop threads, drop dreadnips, drop pieces of eight, convert tiara into runes, drop ring of charos, drop journal + wicked cape, drop korasi, gano mug, kindles, pet, dominion medallion, SOF pendants, land mines, ice gloves, gem bag, thing next to gem bag, cape in POH, Hybrid armours in POH, drop bonesack, F cape in POH.
06-Oct-2013 21:12:11
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06-Oct-2013 21:12:27
Link 7
- Drop everything except Greegrees, kuradel's ring, and Naval outfit which goes in POH with hybrid.
Link 8
- Drop all secondaries (tails)
- Drop orts
- Drop BA wave tickets
- Drop unnecessary seeds
- Drop flowers (HH)
- Place witchdoctor in POH, drop other pieces and only keep mask
- Watering can in leprechaun
Link 9
- Pack cannon @ GE
- POH Quest cape and Naval outfits
- POH beret with mime mask
- POH powdered wig
POH Dg cape and drop everything else except for Tzhaar ring
Overall, very organized bank. Guessing since you have a whole tab dedicated to HH, I didn't play around in there too much or you could have easily saved another 50 or so spaces. Biggest space consumers are pots and jewelry so be sure to de-enchant them at the GE. Overall, very easy to go through, thanks for posting!
Donation requested:
Thank you very much for being willing to donate from the little you have. Every little bit counts.
Go do 2 QBD runs. Whatever the aggregate value of drops/items amount to, sell them and go to a FTP world with cash.
Find some common FTP training spots (Cockroaches in the security stronghold, GE for cooking, whatever there might be), chat someone up and find out what their immediate goal is (whether it's getting full Saradomin or training their Cooking level to 70). If you find them to be deserving, buy them what their goal is with the available funds from the QBD runs. If the funds aren't sufficient, provide them with half of the request and the rest of the GP (Buy the Sara plate legs and helmet and give them the rest of the money to encourage them to complete the set instead of wasting it).
Post pictures and a brief story of your meeting!
06-Oct-2013 21:12:38
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06-Oct-2013 21:35:15
how about i post my bank for lols but you don't actually have to give me tips to clean it? i'll even do the random acts of kindness...cuz i think that's a beast idea, tbh.