Part of the issue that you raise here is that in recent years a far, far too high percentage of quests have been Grandmaster level, with a correspondingly large effect on big storylines. As a result, they don't want to have those GM-level quests as requirements but at the same time, future quests make no sense without having done them (or end up spoiling them).
I think that last parenthetical point is, perhaps, what bugs me the most -- in news posts, videos, etc they hype up the next thing coming, and as a result, spoil the story for anyone who hasn't done it. As maxed players who can immediately do any quest, it's obviously not a big deal for us, but thinking back to when I was a low- and mid-level player gobbling up quests, I'd have been super annoyed.
Continual disappointment is the spice of life.
10-Jul-2021 18:26:17