In a nutshell: Suggesting that Portable Training Stations be made permanent.
Create a place that is open to all, but perhaps through a portal, so it can physically be located anywhere, and not constrained by other RS features. Some place that can be customized for Grinding, err, I mean Training.
Pets limited to those that actually assist in training. Beast of burdens, Menaphos Carpets, etc. Perhaps hiding all pets except for our own. Trying to minimize lag. So no mass individual log fires. No cannons. I've not figured out if Training Dummies should be allowed or not, again, all those graphics are lag inducers.
There is no reason to have six portables trying to crowd around one bank chest. Put down three bank chests in a column, with a space to stand on both sides and the top and bottom - giving space for eight portables, err, Elites. Space the chests further, if more Elites are added later. Or spread them out for athestics. Keep them close enough for pulse cores to affect everyone in the training space **.
The cost of entry, is similar to the Fenced tree area of Tai Bo Wanna. It costs to be in the Training Cave (house, cloud, w/e). Spread the cost of Portables around to everyone that wants to use the Elites. I'm thinking either a fixed cost to gain entry. ( 100k gp), or an hourly rate: ( 50k gp / hr).
Not wanting to spread people to thin, but also not wanting it to overload one specific world. It should be active in a few worlds, picking servers that serve a large group of P2P ( F2P ? ).
Pulse Cores & Cinder Cores? Could be permitted, or their 10% bonus could be made permanent (like the 20th party in Lumby Crater). If made permanent, that could be reflected in the price for admission. (60k gp / hr) with 10% xp boost.
I'm not a RS designer - programmer, so y'all work out the details. I think this is a seed.