Good. Glad to hear it. The truth is, no matter how you look at it, Alts are the damn new Bots in this game. And while you may not be using them in an illegal manner, they are viewed as such by the rest of the player base. They are invasive and solely exist to provide their owner an unfair advantage in the game. Now, apart from actually macroing, that to me is the very definition of botting.
So I'm thrilled to hear and see so many Alts now getting the boot. It's about freaking time. Of course, Jagex waited a good long while until they'd made their money from all those Alt accounts during Archaeology's release which was no surprise. The party's over though. Well, at least for now until the next big game release when Jagex again turns a blind eye to players using 5 to 20 Alts to support their main account.
27-May-2020 12:05:37