For all the effort put into managing and playing multiple alts, these players could max out each of their skills to 200m if they'd just focus on playing the game the way it was intended -- one player, one account.
These paid alt accounts ARE, for all intents and purposes, bots, even if actual players are devoting real time and effort into playing them. They are being used to do a specific purpose repeatedly while the main account is free to do other things. To me, that's the very definition of a bot.
Jagex does not mind this, of course, because these are paid accounts, but the actions, the specifics of how these alt accounts are being utilized nonetheless is still being flagged as suspicious by their algorithms and for understandable reasons.
I don't blame the players for this. They have been encouraged by Jagex to create these new accounts but now they are being punished for using those said accounts. I think it should serve as a wake-up call to everyone involved that maybe, just maybe, they should take another look at this entire idea.
14-Mar-2021 17:36:14