I still remember when the KBD was the strongest and most feared boss in the game, and the day the kalphite queen came out and it was absolutely insane and soloing it was unthinkable and impossible. Each new boss that has came out, I remember how I felt and how I reacted to it at the time. This, in my opinion, is the most ridiculous boss so far. I watched a few streamers beat it, but these are also top .1% pvmers that solo Yakamaru and fight high enraged telos with no food. You could do something for a large portion of your life, and there's always some prodigy that comes out of no where and is somehow 10 times better than you even thought was possible. This boss feels more like it's for the Michael Jordans of bossing and not casual fans of the game. I don't like the "boss creep", and I'm worried for the future of bossing if this is what we are given now. Even getting into phase 2 took me a crazy amount of tries. It's extremely difficult, but in a bad way, it's not challenging and fun. The graphics are cool, the music is absolutely amazing, the lore behind it is cool, but the difficulty of this boss is just stupid hard. It will probably take me over a year to get reaper crew back and I'm kind of bummed about it.
Just my two cents, I know there's a lot of really excited pvmer's out there, and I'm glad they're having a good time, but I wish that this was the challenge mode, and that there was a version of this boss that seemed realistic to actually kill.
09-Dec-2020 23:31:11