If you can't make visages what's the next best thing?
Addy ceremonial swords @ perfect are 6873 each
artisans has a 5% bonus (fally shield 5%, 5% rewards don't count)
raf is 10, outfits 4, brawlers are 1.5, bxp is 2
with all bonuses considered addy swords are 223.34 xp/%
assumign you average over 86% / addy sword you get more xp outta the brawlers than you do out of visages.
they dont degrade how many hits u use them for anymore
they changed this cos of people using them in wildy for last hit to get huge xp drops and only use 1 charge
combat brawls now use 1 charge for every 1k xp
also u cant place dummys in wildy but what u do is place the dummy 1 step outside of wildy
then u stand in wildy & hit the dummy
the other thing u could do is use them while killin a friend/alt on wildy that keeps eating (this doesnt mean u get more xp from brawls just means u will use them faster cos they wont have to run back from death spawn as often cos its 1 charge per 1k xp)