Q. What is your first name or what do you like to be called in-game?
A. Krytie
Q. How long have you been playing RuneScape?
A. Not sure! 12 years maybe...
Q. When did you max?
A. I believe in 2011. I don't keep track on this things.
Q. What's your favorite thing to do in RuneScape and why?
A. Nowadays, pretty much I do a little bit of everything. Nothing special.
Q. What's your favorite thing to do outside of RuneScape?
A. Spend time with my sons; go out for some drinks; travel when I can.
Q. Who is your favorite musical artist?
A. Pearl Jam and many others.
Q. If you have a Twitter account, what is your Twitter name?
A. Krytie - I haven't used in a while.
03-Apr-2016 16:44:52