Those fliers that imps drop advertising Bob's Axes.
Every single time I think I've
gotten the imp champion challenge scroll. I get briefly excited... and then my hopes are crushed.
Interestingly, I've actually been collecting them up. A symbol of how many times those pesky imps have fooled me. I currently have around 90 of them. I used to collect the acne potions too, until I realised they were tradable. I sold the 300 or so I had off to another collector.
Besides, I grew out of acne part of life.
If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.
gnomecopter (and most other teleport animations for that matter, if they count)
+1 so fking annoying to be herb farming and when u are trying to plant the seed the big ass animation blocking like 9x9 spaces from a fking selfish noob. Teleport animations are so 2k14.... go back to regular simple teles!