superior scrimshaw of combat (six of em) should work when you enter combat, and turn off when you leave combat stance. they feel obtuse as item we have to remember to activate and then also deactivate.
3 unequal reasons
1. I forget to turn mine on before fight.
2. I forget to turn mine off later. Burned so many minutes rebanking. Yeesh.
Y'all like witchhunts, right
? Well... yer rascal fc of dps poseurs probably sends you 2 guys an hour that have one super scrim riding on their shoulder, but they never turn it on, and all the while they been making and selling regular scrims. Minmaxing teams. Welfaring. Thats the guy who types "lol I dont even need scrim" at forums or w/e.
this I would like to see y'all try and snipe me on, or debate, or whatever; but I think I'm right. At least that they'd be better with automatic on/off for combat stances.
I have quit rsof because moderator found comments about darklight bonus damage on demons "off topic" for wildy flash mobs full of demons
I'd like to be able to turn them off during time gated mechanics like web burning and acid path for Rax or invulnerable/unattackable parts like KK burrow or Rago phasing.
Modest Skillers
T7 Citadel | Skilling clan recruiting players. °l||l°
Cwar United
for CW games/Ardy task/Trim req. •ï¡÷¡ï•
120 Summoning Familiar ideas
agree that selective time stop british cartoon stuff makes me crazy. especially at seiryu when you have unbearably long wait to climb down and right click attack a jellie. I should be able to cue ricochet or provoke (perk Caroming 3 Taunting) and grab all six of them, but it ignores my commands. I can lose all the adrenaline they want though.
I have quit rsof because moderator found comments about darklight bonus damage on demons "off topic" for wildy flash mobs full of demons
They should just get rid of jump animation and make the transition happen in 1 game tick imo.
Modest Skillers
T7 Citadel | Skilling clan recruiting players. °l||l°
Cwar United
for CW games/Ardy task/Trim req. •ï¡÷¡ï•
120 Summoning Familiar ideas
They'll do it once its their idea. Theyre acting annoyed like I said I dont like seiryu. I love him. He is just broken, and thats bad. That climb cartoon is such a bad idea. It wont let you kite like every survival horror game ever: mad dash past zombies WITH COLLISION DETECTION AND GRABS (and none of that shadowstep dive blade scaper racer crap) and yer safe the second your hand hits the doorknob. How that wasn't accepted as common gaming practice....
and ranging seiryu crystals is impossible to even 3 nap without super scrim. ranging, since elite sirenic gets nondegrade privileges there, shoulda been examined as such. this gripe about scrims not automating a little better... it aint gravedigging. we didn't need it til now. now we do kinda need it. we can waste a whole bunch of money getting to point crystal aint dead, and d'oh, the super scrim was off.
I have quit rsof because moderator found comments about darklight bonus damage on demons "off topic" for wildy flash mobs full of demons
defo agree, they should activate automatically (at the very least, only when you attack a boss), and deactivate when you exit combat
I've wasted lots of time and effort with scrims on/off at certain bosses and it's just frustrating to have to remember that on top of all the other buffs you have to do at some bosses
st Mas
Max: 28 Jan 2018 | MQC: 9 Aug 2019 | Comp: 18 Oct 2019
I suffer from forgetting about them too, but unlike you I am pleased the game punishes you for not paying attention. I don't want the game nannying me anymore than it already does...………..erm I dropped my dummy/pacifier...erm where is it …..please help me......