Longer intro huh? Okay then.
Hi I'm daisy I maxed out with dg after bxpw (needed another day underground to get it done) I am now working on my comp cape and already have all quests/spells/tasks. I mostly just need to do alot of dung to get there, pretty much everything I have left to the comp cape is dung related (prayers, songs and level).
I'm very excited to be part of these forums! Its lovely to meet all of you fellow addicts =Þ
Longer intro...here goes.
I am What A Mugg. I maxed out with both slayer and farming 5 days ago thanks to bonus xp
. Need to work on my dungeoneering next (108 atm) then will think about going for comp cape. Been playing since 2008 thanks to my ex that introduce me to RS but loving every bit of it