I haven't played Runescape for 15 years like some of you. The first time I played RuneScape was probably in 2007, a few months before the Grand Exchange was released. I was playing with some friends from school. Almost everyone back then was playing it! I especially liked the skilling part of the game. When the Grand Exchange was released, I scammed a few people. Now, before you grab your torches and pitchforks... I wasn't alone. There were a lot of people that were selling things like Spinach Rolls for 200k each. (Which was a lot of money back then). I sold charcoal for 20k each in the Varrock west bank. After a few days I made enough money to buy myself full Adamant (g). I always wanted that armor and I still have a set of it in my bank today. Early 2008 most of my friends quit RuneScape and I quit playing too.
I created this account on the 1st of September in 2013. At first I was a level 3 skiller, refusing to train combat and focussing only on the non-combat skills. I achieved my first 99 (Firemaking) somewhere between late October / early November. I never thought I'd ever get a 99, and look at me now!
A friend of me that I met in-game convinced me to train my combat skills. So I did, achieving 99 Prayer as my first combat skill.
Ja m i e
I achieved my max cape on 14th of August 2015. Almost 2 years after account creation, however there was a 6 month break in between
Very efficient, well done! Welcome
I got maxxed been playing since 2006, I got lost on my way, spent a few years finding my way back. I was trapped in the desolate wastelands of fun, throwing tomatoes at duel arena clan formalities and all sorts of xp waste till I finally found Prif.. A great location to max out a lot of skills that were troubling me.. At that point I signed up and found my way here... Still Lost ingame though, trying to find Lumbridge at the moment..
I started playing Runescape in spring 2006 because it was the most addicting game that my middle school didn't block and only game my dell desktop could run
. I no-lifed the game over the summer but quit over Christmas break after realizing how bored i was mining coal for a week straight and I finally got my ps3 so hype. Summer 2013, I had to stay at my dad's house and got very frustrated with disconnecting from all my LoL matches so i thought of games that weren't too demanding internet wise and started playing runescape again
I thought the EoC update was pretty cool but was a serious soloscaper who pretty much just afk skilled or QBD'ed without every really talking to anyone. Eventually, when Soul Reaper came out, i helped run a low level pvm/warbands fc and no-lifed araxxi before meeting Harley Doom (Most Famous RS Player) and Professor Shamy (The one and only) who taught me to be a pro. Under their guidance' I learned asphyxiate into deep impact is supreme deeps north pool yaka and to keep binding shot queued the whole phase. Oh ya, I also skilled a bunch and got max but I don't remember the order or anything but rc was last
P.S. W91 is Hash1, filters your friend's drops so you can be the best