I have this horrible thing where if I don't really want to do something, but feel too awkward to say no thanks, I say ok, wait a few minutes then tell them 'oh sorry I have to go' and appear offline for a few hours >.>
Surely would be easier to just say no in the first place.. lmao
You are just a horrible horrible person.
HLF, real life therapy consultants for free...
but yeah, that really is lousy. You're telling them to wait and sit on you when you never intended to do anything. You don't even have the confidence to say the truth to a stranger!
So practice by telling us to f off for judging you then say no to everyone
My friend and I, we were killing fire giants for rune scimitars back in the day. We agreed to split the rune scimis, but then I got one and kept it for myself. I never told him.