My friend got killed in the wilderness on a warband once and lost a bunch of gear. He PM´s me for help, because I must have seemed like a badass at the time, and I agree.
I took my Zaryte (this was back in 2013 when the bow was worth something), and we end up finding the guy. He killed me, I forgot to item protect and lost my bow.
The shame was so big I logged out and deleted him from my friends list, even though he was a good RS pal.
I must confess, I don't bring a bonecrusher , or a charming imp, or a spring cleaner to a lot of my bossing / general killing sprees.
Twitter: @JamesRhodesRS
about five days ago i got lured by one of the oldest lures in the book I lost 200mil I don't care about the money but the thought that I was that dumb to fall for such an old and obvious lure... just made me feel like total crap!