May I have access please and thank you :'3
Pray for the Wicked—
There’s nothing else there for me at my door, all the people I knew aren’t who they used to be
It’s uphill for oddities
Noted - I haven't ever gotten into Discord but it's really grown in popularity over the last year. I should give it a try, I just find it confusing to navigate. Any pointers anyone? :S
Noted - I haven't ever gotten into Discord but it's really grown in popularity over the last year. I should give it a try, I just find it confusing to navigate. Any pointers anyone? :S
Oh don't worry, I felt the exact same way moving from Skype to Discord, but really after a little playing around with it, it's
easy to use!
I'll try to go over the things you'll use the most (if you're not running a server)!
This is the list of servers that you're apart of. Starting off a new account, you'll obviously not has as many as I do there..
If you do get Discord, I have a few servers listed on the
HLF Directory
which may interest you.
This is the list of channels on a server. Some may give information, others used for chatting. As Discord is basically Skype and TeamSpeak mashed into one, it has text and voice chats. Any chats with the ' # ' symbol to the left of the channel name is text based. When you click it, it'll into that channel. If you click one which has a 'sound' logo (see the ones at the bottom of my screenie), when those a clicked, it'll put you into a voice chat (you'll be muted by default unless you adjust your settings - see step 5).
This is your friends list. Everyone you have added on Discord will show here. This is also where any private messages from others will appear.
This list will show you who is online/offline in the server that you're currently looking at.
That will show your Discord profile, adjust your microphone and headset settings. You also get all the account settings such as authenticator settings, language, keybinds, appearances, images, etc.
(continued below...)
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Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.