so I know everything is tilted at making rs3 work for phones, and I agree thats best for the game. thats #1. no question.
I'm not sure if there is a tiered list of what #2 and #3 priorities are, but I'd like to vote for more weight at the beginner level, and that which is f2p, as that which is next most helpful toward insuring the future of the game.
so #2 reworking quests graphically. my daughter doing fairy quests, and zanaris itself still looks amazing after its graphical update, but I had totally forgotten that the cosmic plane even existed, and its kinda wonky looking. thats a hard row to hoe. I know how the metrics for employees need a fix too. Y'all get judged on weird things like "number of players who started the new quest" and Im not sure thats fair. Graphically updated quests, especially those for neophytes, need different jagex employee metrics like "number of new players who immediately started the second quest in a series" etc.
a possible #3 is something that makes burthorpe/taverly area activities like agility training more... addictive. I don't entirely know how, but perhaps a few older cosmetics become available for purchase as you accrue new currency for them from doing beginner courses?
I have quit rsof because moderator found comments about darklight bonus damage on demons "off topic" for wildy flash mobs full of demons