I have several favourites, not the least of which being my ancient Blurite sword, which I've thrown into a keepsake box so I may maim things with style.
I also quite like the Sunbeam crown and its illuminated photon spikes.. Oh! and the Pumpkin amulet too!
I miss spamming the Holy Cithara, now only I can hear my vigorous tunes.
The Boogie bow for its flashy goodness, and my Staff of Light, 'cause it's bluuuue.
I miss the original graphics on the mirror shield, when it truly did mirror your surroundings in a reversed camera..
And perhaps the strangest is the Rod of Ivandis (2) - if only for its epic examine text: "2! 2 charges left! Ha Ha Ha."
22-Nov-2014 17:25:26