Why can't I customize the withdraw number anymore? It's super-tedious to have to type in 14 EVERY...DARN...TIME!!!
I'm sure there's an easy fix, but I need someone to tell me.
Also, that portal in the Grand Exchange? I have stuff owed to me from 2018...So, please, either give me the stuff or turn off the message telling me I need to fetch something that's impossible to fetch. Honestly, I won't feel hurt if you simply turn off the message, I promise.
I don't even know what's owed to me from that.
Lastly, can I get a pro-rated Premium rate? Or is it worth it to absorb the cost?
In the bottom right corner in the bank there are options for transfer and presets, click on transfer. Then you have the options in the image below:
Here you can select the withdraw-x amount by entering a value in the box to the right of the x.
The box highlighted in yellow is the left click option when you click on any item in your bank, by default this should be 1; but you can change it to 1, 5, 10, all or whichever value you've set as your withdraw-x value if you'd like.
In the bottom right corner in the bank there are options for transfer and presets, click on transfer. Then you have the options in the image below:
Here you can select the withdraw-x amount by entering a value in the box to the right of the x.
The box highlighted in yellow is the left click option when you click on any item in your bank, by default this should be 1; but you can change it to 1, 5, 10, all or whichever value you've set as your withdraw-x value if you'd like.
I think what they mean is that the bank doesn't switch the 'x' number by default when you type something in after clicking 'withdraw-x'
It does however work if you click where the '100' is in the screenie above and change the number there. It's kinda weird honestly, and a bit annoying since OSRS's 'withdraw-x' still has the expected behavior here. No idea why someone at Jigglefl0rx had to 'fix' it but...yeah...
st Mas
Max: 28 Jan 2018 | MQC: 9 Aug 2019 | Comp: 18 Oct 2019
Also, another stupid question, how do I get to the Challenges window? I know how to toggle maxed challenges, since that hasn't actually changed, but how do I find the challenges window?
You mean the compass in the main gaming view? I tried clicking on F3 and Esc and couldn't find a second compass other than the one by the map, and that one just seems to affect the camera.