Got an interesting thing on one of the reqs (if anyone can help?)
- Unlocked Sliske's gift and the Sixth-age circuit upgrade
As far as I can see, the gift is unlocked by going into the Empyrean Citadel and attempting to leave, and the circuit upgrade lets you tele to the World Gate. I seem to be able to leave the Citadel without being pestered by Sliske (I was wearing the ring of visibility as well), and I can already teleport to the world gate, so not sure if there was anything else that has to be done to tick off this requirement?
Hope someone can help - it's driving me mad! :'(
This is taken from RS-Wikia:
"If you visit the Empyrean Citadel throne room while wearing a ring of visibility and attempt to leave, Sliske will appear and answer one question, before giving you a gift: the ability to see into the Shadow Realm without a ring of visibility (requires completion of The General's Shadow miniquest and Ritual of the Mahjarrat). . .
- Try to walk all the way up to the throne and back to the exit. Have Ring equipped before you enter Citadel.
The 6th age circuit has 2teleport locations as final-form, yes. GoodLuck
do the shadow robes and general swords miniquests