About 3 or 4 weeks ago i learned they even existed and that on Sundays after the stream Mod Lee handed them out at the end. Last Sunday was the first time i was able to/remember to check out the stream since i never really care to watch live streams (usually turn one on pause it and mute just for the loot box) and i was able to get there before he handed out the cards and love letter ect than said he was giving out enough waffles to get achievement. I got 5 after spamming the accept as fast as they came up but only got offered 5 so am short of the 7 for the achievement.
Today i hoped another Mod would take over the Sunday stream and i could get it done but i didn't see one or hear anything on when one would happen.
Any word on if these will be giving out ever again or will i not get to get the achievement anytime soon or at all?
02-Sep-2019 03:16:27