Sha ky
I am Jmi, flamer of posters, spammer of threads and contributor of nothing.
Do you, Jmi, swear that you will uphold the integrity of our magnificent forums whenever questions of loyalty arise and whenever mist are rising; that questions regarding microtransactions, server crashes, new (trim) completionist requirements, devaluation of skills or any other (trim) completionist requirements, bug abuse, warbands and/or altscape related content are met with rightout fury; to safeguard us from aggression from the inferior low level forumers; to protect us from domestic violence of too much trolling and admit to no one that you do the same; to answer all questions however stupid with none of your posts being longer than one sentence; post within the rules up to the very limit avoiding that crucial third strike, to say freds instead of threads and 4umz instead of forums.
@ 100k posts this thread will die and explode into a supernova, destroying everything in its path. Yes, this will mean the forums will come to an end, as the prophets foretold many years ago.
@ 100k posts this thread will die and explode into a supernova, destroying everything in its path. Yes, this will mean the forums will come to an end, as the prophets foretold many years ago.
*** [ RSNEWS ]: Title: Win a 42” full-HD Smart LED Sony TV Date: Sep-04-2014 URL: http://services.runescape.com/m=news/win-a-42-full-hd-smart-led-sony-tv
No need for a film, I got a broadway musical!
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