I heard there was another hidden buff to zaro phase (where she hits more harder/often than before) - confirm/deny?
Denied. solo tanked zaros after my tank died from the server lag for atleast 1 ovl dose with 1 rocktail + uni, didnt really notice anything harder than usual.
Going to check for some recently uploaded solos before I go back I guess. Might just stick with melee considering I am most familiar with that. I haven't actually done real pvm in ages =x
Going to check for some recently uploaded solos before I go back I guess. Might just stick with melee considering I am most familiar with that. I haven't actually done real pvm in ages =x
You should at least try to learn Vorago, it might be ideal for when it becomes "bank"
''What I want you to remember is this: The real world is a lie and your nightmares are real.''