why do jerks waste their time doing this crap?
I think they should limit the camps to 1 camp/day but leave the limit at 75 supplies/day. Players would actually be encouraged to pk that way, something that doesn't happen when camps/day and supplies/day match each other. Sadly, a lot will sell supplies but with the exception of that I think that system would be ideal.
I'm afraid that's not what we'll be seeing though..
You might see
bots standing at Quercus spamming "Join Sell Supplies fc for fast, cheap and effective warband supplies!" just like we saw for years with dg :p
''What I want you to remember is this: The real world is a lie and your nightmares are real.''
They should buff it to give more xp to make it more inline with the recent sinkhole buff so you can get as much xp from warbands per day as you can get dg xp per day without training the skills as intended.
Then release a cooking minigame that gives you 400k xp in <20 min every day too since cooking hasn''t had any xp increases in a while. Or even better, just revamp Trouble brewing and let that be the way to train both cooking and firemaking!