Since it's 6:30am. I'm gonna go bed. But it might be one of these Blazey.
Wake The Phantom ft Veela - Honora
Foxes - Let Go For Tonight (High Contrast Remix)
4MINUTE - Whatcha Doing Today
CMA - Moving Forward
Tom Day - Going Home
When they release names should make it so u can only change name once for the rest of the month to prevent mass hoarding <.<
Doesn't really prevent alts though, and that'll be the real problem. I have three names in mind that aren't really common, but I won't be going out of my way to "steal" them for myself lol. It's pretty damn greedy and I really hope they crack down on people just hoarding names. I hope to god they have implemented a total level restriction at the very least, anything is better than nothing, like 500 total would eliminate a lot of the problem.