You Pick It
Why don't you do the 7 wave version? I swear it takes like half the time and is super easy lol
I do that on main, but noob hadn't done the combat part before so had to do all 20 :x
You Pick It
Do they always have their pm off as well?!
No, but I mainly do d&d on that account to see how high lvls I can get without training them...
Got 99 con back when warbands weren't synced so I had the time to do 3 world on main and then 3 on alt afterwards. Now I only do main :c
Did some slayer, but rq'd after having to bank three times on a harpie bug swarm task and only trained with god statues since lol.
You Pick It
Do they always have their pm off as well?!
No, but I mainly do d&d on that account to see how high lvls I can get without training them...
Got 99 con back when warbands weren't synced so I had the time to do 3 world on main and then 3 on alt afterwards. Now I only do main :c
Did some slayer, but rq'd after having to bank three times on a harpie bug swarm task and only trained with god statues since lol.
Ooo that is pretty cool!
Also, gratz on 99 con lol. I really miss those wb days :/