The first thing that must be done with clans is make the avatars less annoying. They are like nuclear waste at the moment..
They are pretty bad... I believe the reasoning for making them so big was to make it so you could show off your clan banner or w/e on the ava so people could recognize what clan you were in
Since they can't make them no-click like pets and familiars, I would be favor of shrinking them down a bit tbh.
Like if they were the size of that lvl 92 wererabbit fam I think that would be 10/10 lol
^ I wasn't in control of that
I wouldn't have made one for combat, the only time it ever gets taken out is to collect citadel resources for its cap. Otherwise it's uselss
I keep forgetting to make a thread about it in the Ninja Forums. Hopefully it is something they can work on and get into the game as there is no reason why we shouldn't be able to swap out buffs as we please.