Always looking forlorn sat by her window like a sentry, hope of entry is empty due to bars and grating
But she still sits staring at the stars just waiting
Carved in her heart an outline never, never fading.
A figure, hands on hips, feet never, never quaking.
Memories of a kiss
, hands never, never shaking.
Her grasps on this dream of hers never, never breaking.
Years back you often hear her talking at night,
about pirate's adventures
mind propelled flight
I know what you're thinking, 'absolutely batshit, factually inaccurate, engaging the inanimate'
She's say "I believe in
" as she
rang a little bell
And yeah that's kinda crazy but it's harmless aswell.
She harnessed herself apart from this hell and started a well that through her dreams alone broke the fucking bars to this cell.