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Road trip thingy
Book of Char
?? yer nose gona grow my dear.
(*(*(*(*(*( Sikr )*)*)*)*)*))
Will you teach me how to Warbands? I refuse to die in my Sunday best, so ? blue dhide? or ? I has no clue how to 'wildy'. I hope you have a lotta patience cuz my comprehension level is really low. Don't ask why, cuz thats a "book".
That, idk. It has the in-game icon sprite thingies, lends some credibility to it I guess, However it's not listed under the treasure hunter outfits part and none have their own item pages. Not personally seen any of the TH ads that say, this item is now here! etc.
No news posts either, Possibly a fansite leak?
I've lost my arrow. Have you seen it? It's been on my mind a lot lately...
Can anyone that nexes these days tell me how to prevent Nex from camping melee distance during darkness on shadow phase? I remember seeing a thread about it somewhat recently but can't remember the name and have no idea how to find it.
Nex is basically running along with me refusing to let me out of melee distance causing the 400-700 damage per tick to keep hitting me.
Tell the tank to wear melee gloves and boots. Don't ask me why it works but I think it does. Something to do with magic defence bonus mefinks.