If someone asks me: "What does the fox say??" one more time, I'm gonna transform into a flying bullfrog and give them a leap of death.
If someone asks me: "What does the fox say??" one more time, I'm gonna transform into a flying bullfrog and give them a leap of death.
If I was Jagex I would turn all archer rings in the game into 100k gp otherwise archer rings would be forever worthless. Or just roll the game back. Why didn't Jagex just roll the game back *assuming they didn't) when there was such a game-breaking glitch?
And that will put about a tril of gp into the game... Yeah, nty lol. I'd rather have a ring that no one uses just be crap.
If someone asks me: "What does the fox say??" one more time, I'm gonna transform into a flying bullfrog and give them a leap of death.
Didn't realize archer rings were 1k each in GE now. 6k gp/ring sounds more fair. Honestly who has more than a couple rings? Most people don't even use archers anymore since sixth age circuit.
I bought 1 earlier for 300k and that was like 5 hours ago. o.O
If someone asks me: "What does the fox say??" one more time, I'm gonna transform into a flying bullfrog and give them a leap of death.