The special attacks seem kind of pointless since it seems that higher tier gear will out class the special attack so its only worth using if its at ur tier of weaponry.
VERY excited about this: "Quick loadout switching – Changing your equipment can be a hassle, so we’re going to build features that allow you to create preset loadouts and switch them on the fly, both from your bank and between inventory and worn equipment."
I have to say ability queueing is a concept that looks good on paper, but awful in actual practice. Or maybe that's because it's a bit glitchy at the moment.
Sometimes basic abilities interrupt your thresholds which can be annoying. Mainly the channelled abilities are the most affected by this, since they are prone to get interrupted by single-hit ones.
lThe special attacks seem kind of pointless since it seems that higher tier gear will out class the special attack so its only worth using if its at ur tier of weaponry.
That was the case for slayer pre-EoC as well though. If you had only a slight delay when changing from rapier to claws and clicking spec it'd not be worth it as you could hit two 700s with rapier instead.