I am considering doing DKs for my dag task but since I've never killed them before, idk what to take or where to find a door partner, so I'm in need of some guidance on how to get the best possible kills to maximise slayer xp.
I usually just ask a friend for a quick hand with the doors, and in terms of killing efficiently... Not much you can do but kill them
Cannon helps a bit, but clogs 5 invy spaces. 2h weapons are nice because they take up less invy room, and kings are immune to all but the appropriate combat style. Fremmy boots for noted bones, and... Don't even know if you need an antipoison anymore.
Summoning Sikr to answer this question!
I am considering doing DKs for my dag task but since I've never killed them before, idk what to take or where to find a door partner, so I'm in need of some guidance on how to get the best possible kills to maximise slayer xp.
I'd personally suggest warpriest armour with all 3 att styles, too much switching otherwise.
I believe that the rex safespot still works, so I suppose that could be a good thing to use while killing him. Stand in the north east corner to kill Prime, since neither supreme or rex will be able to "see" you.
Usually the roughest kills are the first 3, since you'll definitely have at least 2 on you at any given time. Though if you kill quick enough it's possible to have the fight being 1v1 for most of the trip.