I miss pre eoc slayer. If eoc didn't happen I'd prob be like at least 100m slayer right now, if not higher.
I probably would also be 200m defence.
Before EoC I had 35m slay, 20m att, 95m def, 50m str, 41m range, 61m mage
Now I have 73m slay, 70m att, 166m def, 52m str, 73m range, 63m mage
Dunno whether I'd have higher slay without EoC, but I would've probably just gotten 200m def and had much lower attack compared to other combat stats still.
What I like most about EoC is that I can use magic for more tasks than , Ganodermic beasts, Ice strykewyrms (I prefered meleeing these with rapier for some reason anyway) or spending lots on SoA runes for slightly higher rates at metal dragons. :s
Polypore was good for slayer, obviously a rapier would be better in the long run, but that doesn't mean it wasn't worth it.
Soa runes were expensive, but then that spell was so good.
But yeah I assume that I'd be at least 100m slayer if the eoc didn't happen, if not closer to 200m, which sucks because I doubt I'll ever have the motivation for 200m slayer ever again. I'm finding it hard enough to keep motivated for 99 slayer on oldschool. :/
Did you ever try a Zaryte bow on iron dragons?
So good.
Polypore was good for slayer, obviously a rapier would be better in the long run, but that doesn't mean it wasn't worth it.
Soa runes were expensive, but then that spell was so good.
But yeah I assume that I'd be at least 100m slayer if the eoc didn't happen, if not closer to 200m, which sucks because I doubt I'll ever have the motivation for 200m slayer ever again. I'm finding it hard enough to keep motivated for 99 slayer on oldschool. :/
I miss pre eoc slayer, oldschool slayer is fun but its not quite the same. I would probably be around the same slayer experience as I am now though either way, happy to be 50m+ but no real incentive to get 100m+ just yet.
16-Dec-2013 13:01:12
- Last edited on
16-Dec-2013 13:02:21