Friend took me. We got to last phase on a 6 man virtus team and we had to lobby because we weren't dpsing hard enough.
The team was fine, my point is... NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE is willing to educate the newbies (me) on how to Vorago. NO ONE is willing to accept 8 man teams in order to help others learn.
You say in a FC that you're new or simply ask if they can 8 man... you either get kicked or flamed.
My friend was nice enough to take me, but the whole Vorago community are a bunch of selfish idiots. NO ONE is willing to sacrifice a little just to teach others.
Oh... and don't even mention "Nex" in there... guaranteed elitist comments shot at you like arrows. Most act like they are some kind of master race or something. I hate it that PvM is the only way to make money nowadays. Can't stand the community involved in it.
Thats why I'm thankful for groups that take bad people like me for bossing trim reqs like vorago and barrows2
Oh yeah Amae did you go with those people?
i've made this analogy before and i think it applies quite well..voragoing is much like merching phats in w2, if you aren't well-known then you wont get good buys/sells off whites and blues..much like if you aren't well known to the vorago subcommunity, it's hard to get on a decent team