RWH friend, I'm really trying here, I don't want you and Morgan to give up just because you don't have the money time or motivation
The start is always a humbling struggle that once you get past, things get better. That feeling when you first purchased your Guthans set years and years ago comes back when you finally get back on your feet. It's amazing. Here's some pictures from my 2 puush accounts I've collected that shows how poor I was and struggling to manage: - Pots were from the guild where you get your defender and I caught my own lobs. Tater and swordys from guild too - Lower stats than you and G Shield were about 90k each at the time which really was a lot - You have no idea how much I paid for that Mithril and that was basically my "decked out bad ass all out gear" - Yeah. I died. I lost everything. I had to re-start. I spent my bank on energy pots and food and prayer. I spent everything I had but it was worth it. - A glimpse of the old community. Humble beginnings.
18-Nov-2013 00:04:50