So, I have 5 out of 6 of the Saradomin war-priest set from bol, and you cant store it in poh unless you have all of it. I heard you can get the set pieces from gwd, can you kill the Sara-alligned monsters for it, or do you have to do the boss(es)?
Oh also, did they ever fix the glitch where you weren't able to reclaim Zammy faction tokens?
03-Nov-2013 09:16:47
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03-Nov-2013 09:19:20
I have only heard of people getting pieces from killing the boss monsters, and I have no idea, but I am inclined to say yes since I remember reading something about it a while back
I think someone said they recieved Zamorak warpriest pieces from werewolves, so I suppose saradomin minions should drop them too? - I've only gotten two Zamorak pieces so far though: one from the K'ril and one from his minions, so I can't verify. :l
I think someone said they recieved Zamorak warpriest pieces from werewolves, so I suppose saradomin minions should drop them too? - I've only gotten two Zamorak pieces so far though: one from the K'ril and one from his minions, so I can't verify. :l
yes^ can get them off getting kc in the strongholds
they're similar to getting the nex key
03-Nov-2013 11:16:58
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03-Nov-2013 11:20:50