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I don't really like the idea of calling current hiscores 'old hiscores'.
'Legacy hiscores' might make people feel a bit better about it
I agree. I like "Hall of Fame" myself, to recognise the historic accomplishments, but I can't go around calling it that until it's been officially decided.
Historic achievements..
Yet they say it's optional, can't they see it will force competitive people to forget about the current and just grind on the prestige? Making more and more people feel the need to join in.
Have looked into some other games, none I really want to play any more, not interested in playing xbox again. Idk..
RS is the best game ever but the company running it is clearly not, which creates a problem.
The main thing that kept me playing was the people I talk to, and the majority of them quitting over the years really took a toll on me, 1st eoc took away maybe 80% of my friends, started talking to people in Shaky more, wasn't so bad. This will just end it for me if more quit again, no point really with no goals to get nor many people I wish to talk to frequently.