Movie has been getting some horrible reviews. The trailer looks cool, but so did the latest Godzilla trailer and I was extremely disappointing with that.
Ever wonder why ice cubes taste so boring?
I haven't seen it, but I never let anyone else's opinion sway me from going to do/see something lol - make yer own mind up after going.
If it's entertained, then it's succeeded. Often I find myself really enjoying something that apparently is deemed 'bad' etc, or maybe even not really connecting/enjoying something that is deemed as 'good' too.
I'm pretty open minded when it comes to movies. Doesn't take much to impress me, unlike a lot of movie enthusiasts these days. But regardless, to each their own
Ever wonder why ice cubes taste so boring?
What pisses me off the most is random bullshit made into "science"
Like in the Flash tv series lol. Its a great show but sometimes the bs they com up with...