they were wrong about the midnight chimes, its going to have to be manual recrediting for people who tried to claim 0 lol
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Hey everyone,
We got this wrong... when initially publishing this post, we were under the impression that at midnight you'd get your refunded chimes.
This isn't exactly the case, so I'm going to clear this up now.
If you have tried to claim your Chimes and were told you were refunded "0" we will have to manually credit the Chimes on to your account, this sadly isn't a straight forward process and it involves us having to get a data report from the Analytics team. This will hopefully be done tomorrow for all affected accounts.
We've just hotfixed the game so players who haven't yet tried to claim the refund can now get it
I'm going to leave the original post up for clarity, but I just want to apologise for initially setting the expectation that it'd be fixed for game reset tonight. Rest assured we're trying our absolute hardest to make sure you get the Chimes you're meant to be refunded.
After reaching 250 enrage, if Telos uses Freedom during its final phase, the boss will gain the same 6-second stun immunity buff that the player version of Freedom grants.