Accidently surged up a dinosaurs ass, became stuck then activated double surge and burst out its chest alien-style!
Got his dragon mattocks then crashed the clan citadel into Anachronia wiping out the dinosaurs.
I'll give them credit in that The Arc is definitely more impressive on the NXT client. Probably the first and only place in the game that I actually feel looks better in NXT than Java, but Im certainly not going to load it if its going to just cause performance issues =.=. I get some pretty bad FPS drops in priff on NXT that I don't get in Java, so thats also annoying.
Love me the water effects in any games, including NXT. <3
And since the Arc stuff is 90% water, I get a lot of purty puddles to look at when I'm fishing for chimes! ... For hours! ...Days maybe...! Yeeeboi...that...lovely grindin' the...water...!
*Starts machine-gunning the fishing spots to get this done with faster while simultaneously conjuring up a plan to corrupt the foreign market by smuggling in good ol' Karamurica goods*
I'm forced to use NXT because Beastmaster's bombs basically make Java lag to a standstill
I'm not one for conspiracy theories but I am pretty sure the Java client gets hindered by updates. BM's piggies never used to lag me, it does now.
Unslain Bosses - Clan
Nxt seems to force my computer to run its fans at higher speeds or something >_>. I thought it was a bit strange that my computer went from basically silent to rather audible in terms of noise it was making. I just logged off and closed my NXT client and it almost immediately went back to nearly silent. Is that normal?
Otter: Oh boy time to play me some Scapin!
*Logs on to NXT Client*
*PC fans rev up, whole PC takes off and flies out the window, dissappearing over the horizon*