Not that appealing to me
If I could 3a anything, probably scythe, but I already got a green one@ Not a huge fan of other dyed items.. Drygores are kinda nice imo but I don't remember the last time I used them
I like it because it's fairly neutral. I'd do drygores but I'm the same as you, really - I only use them for Raids. I'm not a fan of armour because you feel inclined to wear it, and I don't really use any weapons enough to 100% dye it :c
Unslain Bosses - Clan
go for barrows malevolent top/legs, if I were to do armour, but I don't have the funds.. And I kinda like my default clothes lol, I change outfit pretty rarely
I'm not a huge fan of barrows tbh, seismics are okay (I like their invent icon), Nox bow is like a slightly worse version of third-age, but meh
Unslain Bosses - Clan
I don't think barrows/3a bow is noticeable enough to warrant spending 300/2500m
And never owned seismics
I could go camp spider for a few legs, but I'm not desperate, and ought to be saving up for 120 buyable capes atm lol, damn cape rack!