When putting it that way I'm probably too tired to even do the fight. About 20-30% of my deaths have been that big ball thing which I wasn't even expecting. That said I'm not completely braindead right now but all I seem to be able to think of is building adren to rejuv or how to dodge the next special coming up, and forget everything else even which abilities I can afford having on cooldown.
I think my biggest issue is that I have an offhand switch rather than a shield and 1-4 take like 2-3 overloads, probably more if you add time for banking. I probably shouldn't but if I focus entirely on dpsing (I call that full yolo) I go through food like crazy. This method is how I got my vindicta challenge mode kill too, I know people can do 2 kills a trip with scythe but that just doesn't work for me. When I need to do that twice and a mistake can cost like 30 mins well, that patience factor can be quite important.
For now I'm taking a break and I'll give it a go again tomorrow. Practice is always good I guess.
30-Jun-2016 00:31:09