I'd much prefer dailies to be 'distractions and diversions' rather than "Oh, well, it's 3:30, I shall pass on a bossing trip because cache is in 32 minutes"
Unslain Bosses - Clan
Because if you took on a bossing trip, but had a cache still to do, and it opened randomly during your boss trip, that would irritate people that wanted to do it.
Whereas, if you knew when a cache was, let's say it's 3:30 and you knew a cache was at 4, you could make pots/do other things before the cache, and THEN go and boss.
I don't know anyone (without a blind hatred for dailies and people that do them) that would pick the former over the latter.
Yes I hate dailies but I have done them - I don't think they should be routine, but again, that's how I feel.
They're meant to be things that you do randomly, really... Yet they're built into a routine for almost all players that participate in them. I don't think that's right, but hey-ho.
Unslain Bosses - Clan
There will always be another one
Perhaps you could make it work if there was some sort of counter (there are 8 caches in a day) on the minigames that showed how many had already been. But it would still suck if two opened up back to back and you'd passed on both to PvM. Also you could wake up and every cache had already opened in the 7 hours you'd been sleeping or whatever. There would probably still have to be some limits to it.
Though maybe waking up and every cache had opened means your day was less routine, so it might not be so bad.
Dailies are a shopping list containing items that you MUST tick off in order to be considered "efficient". Failure to keep up results in being called "inefficient" and "most importantly" falling behind in the race for 200m in all or a specific daily-focused skill.
Those items are only available at certain times during the day, so if you want to get your hands on them, you must sacrifice. Otherwise, you miss out until the next allocated time slot. You might not think missing out on that item is much, but it is and if you're a keen daily shopper, it will destroy you from within.
So, you're pretty much running around collecting all these items every single waking day just so you can stay in the race and not become an inefficient scrub that should reconsider his/her playing style.
I pretty much just do dailies whenever I can be bothered, really. I consider Araxxor as a daily activity and usually prioritise that over other dailies if I need a leg piece desperately. Trying to stay with all dailies seems like it can exhaust all the fun you have, and I cba with that
It's probably for that reason that I'm still not 5b xp after all this time, rofl.