I know imp 3 + dev 2 is a lot more common if using 3x zammy + 2x zaros (or even 4x zammy + 1x zaros). I personally just keep trying with 5x zammy hoping for that stupidly rare dev 3
My initial plan was to get venomblood with crackling 3 for melee (rax+greg) and range (nex), but not for mage since I don't use magic for anything that poisons. Maybe reflexes + crackling 3 for adren stalling at rago if I ever start rago'ing again? I haven't actually tried making these yet (and I'll probably only do it after I'm back from holidays). If it takes too much rng to get these combo perks then I may just settle with one venomblood + crackling 3 for melee, and crackling 3 alone for the rest (and maybe absorbative 2 + reflexes for mage instead? Not sure).
Trying this combo and it's not giving me this. Is it rare or what? (Notice Venomblood isn't getting mentioned in "possible perks include"