Oki, I got my blood blitz goin on atm, but once I do this lot and go bank in a few hours again, switchin to shad blitz.
So I'm using my vampyrism finally and it's a little less afk than penance but it isn't bad. I would save blood spells for vampyrism since stacking those with soul split is pretty good at maintaining your HP. If Penance is off of cooldown, use shadow.
Chee arra
Oki, I got my blood blitz goin on atm, but once I do this lot and go bank in a few hours again, switchin to shad blitz.
So I'm using my vampyrism finally and it's a little less afk than penance but it isn't bad. I would save blood spells for vampyrism since stacking those with soul split is pretty good at maintaining your HP. If Penance is off of cooldown, use shadow.
Just to add to this, you can actually flick SS on and off to conserve your prayer potions, since blood spells and vampyrism are almost self-sustaining on their own.
Flicking SS on and off would require attention - heck no! I do 'somewhat afk' and let Akhet murder innocent muspah on one screen, and look and do other stuff on the other screen, occasionally lookin back to pot or dissasemble n stuffs. Got a timer to beep when my yak needs renewing too - on account of me having the attention span the size of a tick's bumhole and lost 2 yak fulls of prayer flasks and other stuff. ;-;