wow does no one like my maths????
I spent 2 years learning about sigma and I still don't get it, so no!
The number under the summation defines a variable and its initial value
The number above defines how high that variable will go
The equation to the right defines a function of the variable for each step
So if we had http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb1453219841/runescape2/images/math/d/1/1/d11e83824149620728113b04248e4665.png
Then we would start at i=1, thus 4*1+2
Then the next number until we get to 3, our last value
It's very useful for functions like what we have with Vic. It's also useful for long term skilling equations. Like if you had 70 agility, you'd need some sort of summation to know how far 500 sh feathers would get you.