Mammoths are garbage. They're that one task that you only ever do when you don't have a mask to force tasks/vip tickets or don't have the 30 points to cancel it.
Like legit, I'd do Desert Wyrms/Nechryael over Mammoths every day of the week.
" like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
I don't even think Corp has access to the actual RDT? I know he has access to the old one, so spear, med, left half and gems (+ coins), but not the new one?
Team Skull
Like legit, I'd do Desert Wyrms/Nechryael over Mammoths every day of the week.
If we are taking our own opinions as fact, I can only assume you are doing them wrong, don't care about xp or gp - In which case, why are you slaying?
Unslain Bosses - Clan
Team Skull
Mammoths are garbage. They're that one task that you only ever do when you don't have a mask to force tasks/vip tickets or don't have the 30 points to cancel it.
Like legit, I'd do Desert Wyrms/Nechryael over Mammoths every day of the week.
You're the guy who has literally no understanding of efficiency.
You're the guy who thinks calculated experience/hour is irrelevant.