But it takes too much development time to design the animations for them!
... So here's a twig that you can use as a familiar override!
I sorta want the Penny pet, killing those things isn't so bad in maxed gear (I last tried with nooby gear) - Maybe if I get an Edimmu pet before 200m Slayer I'll camp those rather than Edimmus!
Penny looks awesome. There's just no instances where you can have them out. :s
If skilling, you use avatar mostly. If doing combat, you use some combat familiar.
I lost interest in the whole petscape thing after they said they won't be making them available as overrides. Cba grinding for pets I will never "show off".
I killed manifest shadows whenever assigned to 200m slay and only got the truthful shadow part from killing a truthful shadow inbetween manifest spawns ._.
7.7k kc or so
Was lucky with the edimmu so I can't really complain though.